Exciting News
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Newsletter 8

Art and Local Keynote Speakers
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Newsletter 7

The Early Bird Registration Has Been Extended
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Newsletter 6 ingles br

Early Bird Registration
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Newsletter 5 ingles br

Transformations Conference Registration
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Newsletter 8 Transfor 1

Transformations Conference abstracts accepted
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Newsletter 7 Transfor 1

Call for Abstracts and Proposals Welcome Keynote Speakers
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Welcome to the 2019 Transformations Conference Newsletters

November 29th.2018

The planet is experiencing profound and rapid changes, and humans are part of this story. We have built the planet past and present, and writing the planet’s future is in our hands. Transformative actions and processes emerge as one of the alternatives in building this future. We invite you, scientists and practitioners, to be a part of this story, by sharing your knowledge and experiences during the 4th version of the Transformations Conference, which will be held for the first time in a less developed country.

It is an honour and our pleasure to be the hosts for the upcoming conference and we are waiting to welcome you as participants.

Yours sincerely,

The Transformations 2019 Team

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